Mike and Vanessa – Owners
Mike and Vanessa met in 1989 at Dancemakers. Mike was taking Country & Western lessons and Vanessa was taking Ball Room Dance. Mike noticed Vanessa and soon decided to take ball room dance lessons too. They began a relationship and were married in 1992.
Mike was an assistant golf professional out of college prior to becoming a 25% partner in a home building company. After a few years, Mike became a 50% partner and went on to start his own company in 1989. Vanessa is a graduate of LSU and in addition to home building, works for Old Republic Title as a Marketing Representative.
Separately they have served on many committees and advisory boards. Some of these are: Board of Directors for Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association, Home & Garden Expo Committee, Habitat for Humanity, The Children’s Center in Bethany, Professional Mortgage Women and more. Mike was elected Home Builder of the Year for the Metro Area in 1993 and Vanessa had the same honor in 1998 and 2011. Mike also served as the President of Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association in 1997. Vanessa was elected Woman of the Year for the Oklahoma State Home Builders Association in 1999 and was Associate of the Year twice at COHBA.
Mike has an excellent reputation in home design, construction and warranty. Entering their homes in various Parade of Homes competitions through the years, Vanessa and Mike have won awards for Most Innovative Design, Best of Show, Runner-Up Best of Show, Best Kitchen, Best Master Bedroom, Best Master Bath, Best Landscaping and Best Décor. On occasion, they enjoy researching and then building a different style, like Art Deco, Mediterranean, Country French, Contemporary, etc.
Together they have built over 1300 homes.